Sunday, October 25, 2015

Ilmu Sosial Dasar

Ilmu Sosial Dasar Sebagai MKDU
    Ilmu Sosial Dasar atau disingkat ISD adalah pengetahuan yang menelaah masalah-masalah sosial, khususnya masalah-masalah yang diwujudkan oleh masyarakat Indonesia, dengan menggunakan teori-teori (fakta, konsep, teori) yg berasal dari berbagai bidang pengetahuan keahlian dalam lapangan ilmu-ilmu sosial (seperti Geografi Sosial, Sosiologi, Antropologi Sosial, Ilmu Politik, Ekonomi, Psikologi Sosial dan Sejarah) MK.
ISD merupakan suatu usaha yang dapat diharapkan memberikan pengetahuan umum dan pengetahuan dasar tentang konsep2 yg dikembangkan untuk melengkapi gejala2 sosial agar daya tanggap (tanggap nilai), persepsi dan penalaran mahasiswa dalam menghadapi lingkungan sosial dapat ditingkatkan , sehingga kepekaan mahasiswa pada lingkungan sosialnya menjadi lebih besar.
Tema pokok perkuliahan ISD sebagai bagian dari MKDU adalah hubungan timbal balik antara manusia dan lingkungannya. Hubungan tersebut dapat mewujudkan adanya kenyataan-kenyataan sosial dan masalah-masalah sosial dan inilah yang menjadi pusat perhatian dari Ilmu Sosial Dasar.
    Penerapan mata kuliah ISD ini dalam perkuliahan bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dasar dan pengertian umum tentang konsep-konsep yang dikembangkan guna mengkaji gejala-gejala sosial, agar daya tangkap, persepsi, dan penalaran mahasiswa dalam menghadapi lingkungan sosialnya dapat ditingkatkan, sehingga lebih peka. Selain itu ISD ini juga bertujuan untuk melatih mahasiswa untuk memahami jalan pikiran para ahli sosial sehingga dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dalam rangka menanggulangi masalah sosial yang tumbuh di kalangan masyarakat.
Perkenalan Diri dan Latar Belakang Budaya    
    Nama saya Nadhira Cherizar. Saya berasal dari suku adat Sunda dan Madura. Budaya Sunda dikenal dengan budaya yang sangat menjunjung tinggi sopan santun. umumnya karakter masyarakat Sunda adalah periang, ramah, murah senyum, lemah-lembut, dan sangat menghormati orang tua. Itulah cermin budaya masyarakat Sunda.
 sumber penjelasan:

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tugas Kepariwisataan 2

Madakaripura Waterfall

Madakaripura Waterfall is a tourist attraction that is located in district Lumbang, Probolinggo. The waterfall is surrounded by cliff that drips on the entire field so it looks like raining, three of them even formed just like another waterfall pouring down. Anyone who’s travelling to East Java should visit this place. Madakaripura can be reached from Malang or Probolinggo. From Probolinggo you can ride a big bus towards Tongas. Then, you have to continue the journey by taking a public transportation to Madakaripura. The scenery from Tongas to Madakaripura are very nice but unfortunately the road is quite uncomfortable. But, it’s going to be paid off when you reached the gate to Madakaripura. You don’t need to pay any tickets or admission to get in, but you will be offered a service from a local guide who can also bring your bags when needed.

The journey from the gate to the waterfall is very beautiful. You can see many large trees, and because it’s near a waterfall and has many trees the air is so fresh, also there are many rivers and you have to pass it. Just thinking about it makes me feel excited, just imagine if you visit this place. Many adventures awaits! If you decided to visit Madakaripura Waterfall, then you should bring or use a pair of sturdy shoes, a pair of sandals, a jacket in case you feeling a bit cold, a clothes to change, and a raincoat or an umbrella. The trip takes approximately one hour after you feel your body starting to get cold. Well, you have to walk just a little further to see the main waterfall. And you still have to climb some narrow cliffs and quite slippery if you ask me. But once again as I told you before, it will all be paid off when you arrived. The scenery is breathtaking. It feels like you are inside a bottle when you look up.

The journey may seem exhausting and troublesome but trust me, it’s all worth it. If you are a true adventurer then you should visit this place. Don’t wait any longer! Enjoy the beautiful scenery and breathe in the fresh air that the waterfall has to offer. Take a break from your work, you’ll be stressed if you don’t. I promise you all those negative thought in your mind will be taken away when you see this waterfall. Maybe it even have a magical healing power

You can see the picture of the waterfall below, it’s a pictures I got from google. Maybe you can imagine yourself there by looking from these pic. I would say that Madakaripura Waterfall is very unique. Because if you watch closely, the water seems like a color blue combined with green. Some waterfall are just plain colored but this one is really interesting.

It is highly recommended for you to visit this place in the morning or afternoon when the sun is shining. Don’t go if the weather is not promising. Just wait for a while just in case something bad happens and we don’t want that. So what are you waiting for? Go visit Madakaripura Waterfall now! Don’t wait any longer! Have a safe trip