Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Tutorial Penginstallan MS Office 2013

1. Tunggu booting hingga masuk tampilan menu utama.

2. Setelah masuk menu start utama klik icon desktop lalu akan masuk ke tampilan desktop.

3. Setelah masuk ke menu ini silahkan klik icon document yang berada di pojok kiri atas yaitu ms office 2013.

4. Pilih Microsoft Office Professional 2013... lalu klik kanan dan pilih extract here maka tampilan akan berubah seperti dibawah ini.

5. Setelah muncul tampilan ini, pilih setup.

6. Setelah muncul tampilan ini centang terlebih dahulu kotak kecil yg ada di pojok kiri bawahnya lalu klik continue.

7. Setelah mengklik continue pilih customize (karna sebelumnya saya menggunakan ms office 2007) jika memilih upgrade maka instalan ms office sebelumnya akan di hapus dan berubah menjadi ms office 2013 secara otomatis.

8. Jika setelah mengklik customize lalu akan muncul tampilan seperti di atas ini lalu pilih keep all previous version (jika tidak ingin meniban instalan office sebelumnya ) kemudian klik install now.

9. Tunggu hingga office selesai menginstall.

10. Setelah selesai penginstallan pilih close.

11. Setelah itu kembali ke start dan sudah banyak pilihan ms office 2013 (instalan berhasil).

12. Enjoy~
Sumber: http://dedeyusri.blogspot.com/2014/10/langkah-langkahpenginstalan-ms-office.html
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Difference between Commercial ads and Public Service ads
Commercial Ads
Commercial ads
Commercial advertising is advertising that aims to support the marketing or promotion of a product or service that is produced from the company or industry and personal.
There are 2 kinds of commercial advertising, namely:
· Strategic Advertising
This kind of advertisement is used to build the brand. This was done by communicating the brand value and benefits of the product or service advertised. The main concern in the long term is to position the brand and build mind share and market share. This kind of ad invites consumers to enjoy a relationship with the brand and to ensure that the brand is there for users.
· Tactical Ad
Tactical ads are ads that have the purpose of urgency. This kind of ad is designed to encourage consumers to immediately make contact with a particular brand. In general, these ads provide special offers short term to spur consumers to respond on the same day.
Public Service Advertising
Public Service ads
Public Service ads is part of a social marketing campaign aimed at selling the idea or ideas for the benefit or community service. Public Service Announcement messages are usually in the form of solicitation, statement or an appeal to the people to do or abstain from doing any act in the public interest or change behavior that is "not good" in order to be better, for example, environmental problems, encourages respect for differences of opinion, family planning, and so on.
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